2003 3rd Place Open Dog of the Year Rocking G "Rob" Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon
2003 Maturity 3rd Place Head N' Heels "Mack" Handler Keith Gilleon Owner Mickey Thibodeaux |
2002 Futurity Winner "Junior" Owner Jody Wood Handler Keith Gilleon
2002 Futurity Reserve Champion Broken Spoke "Spec" Owner Harold Lankford Handler Keith Gilleon
Western Cattle Dog Association World Championship Cow Dog Challenge 2002 World Champion Started Dog Owner Mickey Thibodeaux Handler Keith Gilleon |
Western Cattle Dog Association World Championship Cow Dog Challenge 2002 Reserve World Champion Open Dog Rocking G "Whip" Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon |
Western Cattle Dog Association World Championship Cow Dog Challenge 2002 Started Dog 3rd Place Rocking G "Rob" Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon |
Western Cattle Dog Association World Championship Cow Dog Challenge 2002 7th Place Open Rocking G "Spurs" (Spurs was 10 years old, amazing) 8th Place Open Rocking G "Rob"
2002 Red River Classic Reserve Open Champion Rocking G "Rob" 8th Place Rocking G "Spurs" (Amazing for a 10 year old dog) Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon |
Gulf Coast Cowdog Association 2002 Open Dog of the Year Champion Rocking G "Whip" Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon |
Gulf Coast Cowdog Association 2002 Open Reserve Champion Dog Of The Year Head N' Heels "Mack" Handler Keith Gilleon Owner Mickey Thibodeaux |
Gulf Coast Cowdog Association 2002 Open Dog of the Year 3rd Place Rocking G "Spurs" Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon |
Gulf Coast Cowdog Association 2002 Pro Novice Dog of the Year Champion Rocking G "Rob" Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon
Gulf Coast Cowdog Association 2002 Pro Novice Reserve Champion Dog of the Year Head N Heels "Meg" Handler Keith Gilleon Owner Mickey Thibodeaux |
Gulf Coast Cowdog Association 2002 Pro Novice 3rd Place Champion Dog of the Year Head N' Heels "Mack" Handler Keith Gilleon Owner Mickey Thibodeaux
Gulf Coast Cowdog Association 2001 Open Dog of the Year Champion Rocking G "Spurs" Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon
Gulf Coast Cowdog Association 2001 Reserve Open Dog of the Year Champion Rocking G "Whip" Owner/Handler Keith Gilleon |